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A bit about me.

I’m Amanda O'Brien, a writer and brand strategist living in Nashville, Tennessee. For the past 20+ years, I’ve worked in marketing and advertising agencies, writing and thinking on behalf of all kinds of brands.


After my first son was born, I started my blog Blabbermouse, where I wrote about all kinds of things--from working motherhood and vegan cheese to school fundraisers and coffin anxiety (we can do better than coffins, I know we can). That blog helped  me land a humor column with a (now shuttered) women's magazine and led, indirectly, to an entertaining side hustle as a ghostwriter, all of which fed back into my career as a writer/strategist, which now feels very much like home. 


I started The WIP to process the weird and wonderful (and totally bananas) world around me, and to talk, once again, about the things that capture my interest or chap my ass on any given day. There will definitely be book recommendations and rants and at least a few laughs. But there may also be poetry and art and--I don't even know what else. 


That's kind of the point.


It's a work in progress. Perfection and definition not required. 



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